One Hit Die Season 3

Created by The Fantasy Network

The third season of ONE HIT DIE, a fantasy comedy about inept gamers exploring The Devouring Dungeon.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Watch "One Hit Die: The Devouring Dungeon" Today!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:03:58 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

BackerKit and TFN Update
over 5 years ago – Sun, Nov 04, 2018 at 01:25:59 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Backerkit, Filming, Artwork and More!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 11:15:04 PM

Happy September everyone!

We wanted to stop by and give you a quick update on all of the things we've been working on since our Kickstarter funded.  

First, we've just about finished post-production. Your support is letting us make some final tweaks and improvements! Thanks to you have have accomplished the following:

  • Finish color grading
  • Finish the sound mix
  • Get actors in for ADR
  • Create miniatures
  • Complete the miniature stop motion shots (which included making the tiniest light bounce you've ever seen!)
  • Finish the animated sections of the show
  • Create and film the intro

And much, much more! 

We are also getting ready to launch BackerKit!  We have been commissioning and finalizing the art for our prints, patches, pins, metal cards and flask sets...and guys, this stuff looks amazing!  

In the next few weeks you should receive an email with a survey for BackerKit.  This survey will be asking some VERY IMPORTANT questions we need you to answer so you get the correct rewards. You will need to do things like pick a DVD or BLUray, chose your artwork, enter your metal card Certified Adventurer information etc. We might throw some other goodies in there too...but you'll have to wait to find out! 

This whirlwind of a month has been crazy but we wouldn't want it any other way. We can't thank you enough for all of your support and we can't wait for you to get your swag and most importantly, One Hit Die Season 3: The Devouring Dungeon! 

over 5 years ago – Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 03:26:45 PM

Break out the mead! We did it! 

This was a long, hard fought campaign, but in the end we all came together and made it work. And that is because of you. 

So, thank you. 

From everyone at The Fantasy Network and One Hit Die, thank you. Because of you we have successfully funded our first Kickstarter for Season 3: The Devouring Dungeon for One Hit Die. Because of your hard work Indie Fantasy Film is going to continue to grow. 

When we arrived at Gen Con, we will admit we were worried about the campaign. We were less than 50% funded and had only a handful of days left to go. But together, we persevered. Together we got the word out and engaged fans, new and old, to give this show and The Fantasy Network a try. One of our favorite parts of GenCon was seeing the expressions on people's faces when we described what The Fantasy Network was. The most common thing we heard was "Why hasn't this been done before? That's a fantastic idea!". Hearing that support gave us the launching pad we needed to hit this Kickstarter even harder than before, and then you made it happen. Thank you to everyone who helped. Thank you for every dollar backed. Thank you for every meme shared. For every trailer commented on. For everything you did, big or small, our success is because of you. 

The goal of The Fantasy Network is to continuously create new worlds for us to discover and to give everyone the opportunity to explore, live in and enjoy those worlds. We, as a community, are stronger than ever before. You have helped us see a dream come true by backing this Kickstarter. You have shown that you care about new and innovative ideas. You have shown that our passions for fantasy film are your passions. You have shown that you are willing to support us, and for that, we cannot thank you enough. One of the most beautiful things about this campaign was the wide variety of fans we saw, from different groups, all come together to back this Kickstarter. We have always known that we have the best fans in the world, and once again you have proven that to be true. And remember...this is just the beginning!

The Final Push - How to Help!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 07:25:44 PM

Hey everyone!

We have just over 30 hours remaining to renew One Hit Die for a third season, premiere the show on The Fantasy Network, and help our heroes escape from THE DEVOURING DUNGEON...and we need your help!

We're also incredibly close to reaching our goal...and with your help we can get there!

That's why we've created a convenient FAQ to help answer all your questions, empower you to renew the show, and go out there, TOGETHER, and get this funded.


Visit the Kickstarter-hosted version of this post (if you're reading on email) and engage with the following links! Your likes, comments, and shares will help us overcome the Facebook and Twitter throttle. Every campaign we do, people complain that they didn't hear about it until too late. Here's how we get the word out!


If you include a personal comment about why you love One Hit Die, that helps even more. It's called social proof: your excitement about renewing this show translates into more gamers, fantasy, and comedy fans coming on board!


This is a campaign to renew Canadian tabletop gaming comedy One Hit Die for a third season. Inspired by countless dungeon crawls, plus shows like Standard Action and JourneyQuest, the show follows a party that has entered The Devouring Dungeon in search of the Fountain of Experience.

You can watch the first two seasons for free on The Fantasy Network!


Well, the show is loads of fun. It comes with great rewards, including streaming access to the entire Fantasy Network library (featuring everything from Zombie Orpheus, The Forge, and Arrowstorm Entertainment!)

Plus, our goal at The Fantasy Network is to be 100% fan supported. You are empowered to renew the shows that you love, without worrying about cancellation. As long as enough of you can step up and offer your support, we can keep the story alive!

If you believe in what we can accomplish when we work together in pursuit of common goals, this is an excellent opportunity to be part of our first campaign and help build an extraordinary, resilient community where everyone welcoming is welcome at the game table.